Title: “SAWAZISHA”: Breaking barriers for women with disabilities in Kenya

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender and Disabilities
Supervisors: Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir , Freyja Haraldsdóttir


In Kenya, women with disabilities (WWDs) face discrimination and marginalization based on gender and disability status, which limits their access to opportunities. Kenya has progressive disability and gender policies, but WWDs continuously face barriers to inclusion. To address this, the “Sawazisha” project will empower WWDs in rural Busia County, Kenya, by strengthening their financial status, business management skills, peer group linkages, and self-advocacy in the household and community. This project recognizes the historical and systemic barriers WWDs face based on cultural and societal biases. It also stresses the intersectionality of disability and gender while providing experiences of discrimination. The project's key outputs include increased awareness and access to financial packages, forming peer supportgroups to support savings and credit access through table banking, and influencing policymakers to adopt inclusive programmes.

The “Sawazisha” project, based on Feminist Disability Studies theory, merges women, gender, and feminist studies with disability studies to address barriers WWDs face. It will be implemented within two years through training, peer support groups, and self-advocacy to ensure effective planning, implementation, and evaluation. The project will be achieved through partnerships with the government and the private sector and the active participation of the women participants. The project's success will lie in the involvement of WWDs and the commitment of policymakers and other stakeholders in Kenya. 

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