Promoting Active Citizenship through Civic Engagement to Raise Community Awareness and Accountability for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in Palestine

Author(s): Dina Moghrabi
Final project
Year of publication:
Gender and Sexual/Reproductive Health, Gender Based Violence
Supervisors: Magnea Marínósdóttir


The project is titled Promoting Active Citizenship through civic engagement to raise community awareness and accountability for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in Palestine.” The project will be implemented through Juzoor for Health and Social Development (Juzoor). Juzoor is a non-governmental civil society organization (CSO) established in 1996 dedicated to promoting health as a basic human right at the national level. Juzoor's community and rights-based approach targets interventions at three levels: advocacy and policy dialogue, capacity building for local stakeholders, and awareness raising for the public.

The project seeks to address key interlinked problems rooted in structural discrimination against women based on their gender, including but not limited to gender-based violence (GBV) and limited realization of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) combined with limited capacities of Palestinian community-based organizations (CBOs), civic engagement in public decision-making, and accountability of duty-bearers (the local and national authorities) to fulfil their obligations towards rights-holders (the public) in local development.

The project will promote SRHR regarding availability and access to SRH services in Palestine. It aims to tackle SRHR concerns by encouraging community participation and civic engagement, enabling 20 CBOs to advocate for the realization of SRHR, holding duty bearers accountable, and Combating GBV in the targeted communities.