Title: Pathway to Equality: Empowering women in rural Madagascar. A toolkit for an inclusive territorial planning scheme

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender and Environment, Gender and Public Space
Supervisors: Anna Karlsdóttir


Madagascar's decentralization policy aims to empower municipalities through self-developed Territorial Planning Schemes (TPS). Nevertheless, less than 10% of municipalities achieve this due to the gaps between theory and practical implementation, largely due to technical and financial constraints. The existing TPS guide provides a roadmap but fails to integrate women and vulnerable groups into the planning process. This project directly tackles this gap by creating a comprehensive guide that integrates gender considerations throughout TPS development process, ensuring that women and marginalized groups play a meaningful role in shaping the future of their communities.

The project will investigate the most adequate approaches for collecting data that highlight gender inequality, looking at alternative approaches that collect individual experiences, ensuring that voices of women and marginalised groups are heard. It will also examine how municipalities can better involve these groups in the decision-making process. The goal is to equip Geosystem with a tool to promote gender equality and raise awareness in local communities during the TPS process.

The final product will be a guide incorporated into Geosystem’s work methodology, enhancing its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. The toolkit will align with the Ministry of Territorial Planning's official methodology and international organisational standards. This toolkit will positively impact rural areas in Madagascar and will serve as a reference for all TPS developed by Geosystems, offering a more inclusive approach to a better future for Madagascar's rural communities.

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