PAMODZI CHITSOGOLO: "Together For a Future"

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender Based Violence, Gender and Agriculture
Supervisors: Þórður Kristinsson


For development to be attained, there is a need for a society which is inclusive in a way that the marginalized populations are involved in decision-making in all aspects and, at the same time, the existence of a community which is free from gender-based violence. Therefore, Pamodzi Chitsogolo ‘’Together For a Future’’ (T4F) project will support women and girls with men as allies to address gender-based violence and improve agricultural productivity in T/A Kabudula in Lilongwe district in Malawi. The existence of gender-based violence paralyzes the welfare and socio-economic of women and girls; on the other hand, low agricultural productivity restricts the capacity to access food and maintain financial stability. As a way to curb these, the project will introduce agricultural literacy programs and innovative farm clubs, with the intent of empowering women and girls by improving their agricultural and literacy skills. It will also implement awareness campaigns and advocacy activities to ensure everyone in the community knows the need to contribute to gender equality from the household level. Throughout the project, tailored farm literacy programs, targeted mentorship programs, innovative farm clubs, dynamic training, and capacity-building will be implemented. The involvement of men as allies stands out as a pillar of this project as it will contribute to its influence and sustainability. The project is expected to promote development at the local level, which will then spread to the whole district and, at the same time, reduce poverty. It will be implemented within 12 months and once it records a success it will be scaled up to 3 years in other districts.