Title: Bending Them Young: Interrogating critical male involvement strategy for gender equality in Uganda
This qualitative study titled ‘Bending Them Young; Interrogating Critical Male Involvement Strategy for Gender Equality in Uganda’ examines current interventions involving boys for achieving gender equality in Uganda. The study identifies gaps and recommends ways to ensure future transformative approaches of achieving gender equality. Focused on the narratives of youths aged 5 to 15 in rural government-funded primary schools, the study explores their experiences and realities within these interventions.
The research investigates existing efforts, gaps and strategies in addressing gender-based violence, education and parenting among boys. The study will propose alternative boys’ involvement interventions, including boys as early as age five, with the aim of deconstructing harmful patriarchal norms and values. The study looks towards establishing working groups with boys in rural areas of Rukungiri district, in Southwestern Uganda.
Current strategies predominantly prioritize adult men and urban boys, neglecting rural contexts. The study addresses two main challenges: first, identifying and analysing existing interventions involving boys in gender equality and women empowerment; second, to unearth and understand the local conditions/ context-based impediments that have hindered the involvement of boys for gender equality.
The study seeks to provide an evidence-based, analytical basis for forging deliberate and meaningful synergies with critical civil society and government stakeholders in the hope that, once streamlined, these can result in incremental changes toward realizing gender equality in Uganda.