A Gendered Perspective of the Socio-cultural and Political Factors in the Prevention of Violence Against Women During Elections: The localisation of the Kenya National Action Plan II on UNSCR 1325

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender, Peace and Security, Gender and Political Representation
Supervisors: Bjarney Friðriksdóttir


The Kenya National Action Plan II is grounded on the four pillars of womens’ participation and promotion, protection, prevention, and relief and recovery toward achieving peace, which are embedded in UNSCR 1325 international instrument that focuses on women in relation to peace and security. However, there is still a challenge in promoting peace and protecting women from violence during elections. To effectively implement the localization of this action plan at the community and grass root levels, it is important to use a gender lens to analyze the socio-cultural and political factors in promoting peace and preventing violence against women during elections; these include patriarchal structures, social status, militarization, and ethnic and political parties’ conflicts. Using a gender lens to discuss the socio-cultural and political factors is an effective tool in understanding some cultural practices that have been normalized in the local communities and that lead to conflict and violence against women; for example, patriarchy. In addition, it will result in sustainable development because the information collected is helpful in suggesting better methods and approaches that promote peace and prevent violence against women during elections.