Collaborative organization

National Union of Disabled Persons in Uganda

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NUDIPU is an umbrella NGO that brings together various categories of persons with disabilities including those with physical, mental and sensory impairments.

Before the formation of NUDIPU in November 1987, persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Uganda were not involved in the planning and implementation of programmes meant to benefit them. Mainstream programs and the environment were constructed/ designed in a manner that depicted lack of recognition and sensitivity to the needs of PWDs.
The services provided emphasized separation of PWDs from the communities and were seen as preserve for charity endeavours. This scenario obscured and isolated disability issues from the society’s main concerns, divided PWDs along largely medical lines, created dependency on institutions; stifled individual initiatives, killed the morale, self esteem and confidence amongst PWDs.

By establishing NUDIPU, the founders aimed at creating a unified voice to challenge the above situation, embark on a systematic and long drawn out straggle to gradually free persons with disabilities from the bondage that reduced them to sub-humans.

The history of the disability movement in Uganda is rather interesting, fascinating and inspirational. It is a history of a humble beginning rising to recognition and pride but with apparent unresolved challenges. The forces that propelled NUDIPU into one of the most dynamic and internationally recognized civil rights movement of PWDs in Uganda were both internal and external to the community of PWDs.