Short Course

Gender, Environment, and Sustainable Land Management


28.11.2023 - 30.11.2023


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (view on map)


16 11 5


The training focused on a practical and needs based approach of how to effectively integrate of gender sensitive measures into the design and implementation of sustainable land management projects. It aimed to address both practical and strategic gender needs. The course facilitators were Dr. Audrey Ingólfsdóttir, founder and manager of Transformia (a consulting firm) and a long-time lecturer and project supervisor at both GRÓ GEST and GRÓ LRT training programmes, and Védís Ólafsdóttir, project manager at the GRÓ GEST programme.

The course was tailored for the staff of Camp Alatoo Foundation, a key partner of GRÓ-LRT in Kyrgyzstan. CAMP Alatoo is a leading regional Central Asian non-governmental organisation known for its innovative approaches and tools on sustainable natural resource management and has been GRÓ LRT's key partner in Kyrgyzstan. Until now, six staff of CAMP Alatoo Foundation have participated in the GRÓ LRT six-months training programme.
