Women's roles in Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda analyzed in the Wikigender University online article series

10 November 2017
Women's roles in Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda analyzed in the Wikigender University onlin…

As previously mentioned on this site, Wikigender University has published on their website a series of online articles written by the fellows of the 2017 class. The students participated in an academic seminar focused on practicing and improving writing skills that was facilitated by the Wikigender University programme.

Today we are highlighting Harriet Adong’s article “Women's participation in Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda”. In her piece, she explores the concept of transitional justice, or the “processes...associated with a society’s attempt to come to terms with...large-scale past abuses,” within the context of northern Uganda. Despite research demonstrating how important women are to peacebuilding processes and the Ugandan government’s effort to address gender inequality in its Transitional Justice Policy, women are still greatly underrepresented. Adong lays out various ways women play an important role in such initiatives, ranging from the important role that women play as conflict mediators to how women’s coalitions advocate for women’s needs in peace agreements.

To learn more about the subject access the article here.