Women's Human Rights Education Institute (WHRI) seeks volunteer research contributors for global study on women's human rights

18 May 2016
Women's Human Rights Education Institute (WHRI) seeks volunteer research contributors for global stu…

The Women’s Human Rights Institute (WHRI), co-founded by internationally renowned Costa Rican feminist jurist and activist Alda Facio, is undertaking a two-year research and advocacy project to promote participation in data gathering for the upcoming thematic report of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice (UNWGDAW) on “good practices” in addressing discrimination and promoting women’s self-empowerment.


The project will focus on identifying potential “good laws” and/or important case law that promote women’s substantive equality, and developing case studies that delve into the content of the laws, their impact and implementation mechanisms, with a particular interest in looking at the participation of women’s organizations and civil society in the process of developing laws that promote women’s de facto equality.


The project seeks to involve women’s organizations, researchers and women’s human rights experts in identifying case studies and in contributing to a greater understanding of what constitutes a “good practice” in the context of promoting women’s enjoyment of their human rights. It also seeks to question and deepen the parameters for understanding how to define “good practices” in the context of women’s human rights implementation.


The results of WHRI‘S study will be presented to the UNWGDAW to support their 2017 “good practices” thematic report for the Human Rights Council, as well as disseminated further by the WHRI and partners through a range of methods once the study is completed.


Individual researcher applicants must have a degree in a related field, research experience, and excellent English writing skills. All interested candidates should submit a CV, letter of interest, names and contact information of two professional references, and a writing sample in English, (all in a single Word or PDF document) to: research@learnwhr.org by May 30, 2016.


For further details and contact information, visit WHRI‘s website at: www.learnwhr.org/research