UNU-GEST welcomes new fellows: the class of 2016!

26 January 2016

The 2016 UNU-GEST Diploma Programme in International Gender Studies started early January with the arrival of fifteen fellows who will be studying at the University of Iceland this year. The fellows come from six countries; Malawi, Mozambique, Palestine (West Bank), Ghana, South Africa and Uganda. This year´s fellows come from different sectors including government departments and institutes, human rights and civil society organizations, as well as academic and UN institutions. The fellows (11 women and 4 men), will over the next five months specialise in interdisciplinary gender studies with the aim to get education and training in using gender equality methods, tools and theories to strengthen their professional capacities for advancing and implementing gender sensitive projects in their home countries. Through a series of lectures, assignments, and site visits fellows cultivate a better understanding of gender equality issues and women´s empowerment. This is the largest group of fellows that has participated in the training programme since it was launched in 2009.

A warm welcome to the UNU-GEST fellows of 2016!


Fellows at Alþingi 2016

The 2016 fellows of UNU-GEST visited Alþingi, the national parliament of Iceland, where they met Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, Member of the Parliament and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

The UNU-GEST diploma programme runs annually from January until May. Further information about the UNU-GEST post-graduate diploma programme at the University of Iceland is available here