UNU-GEST Senior Researcher Pétur Waldorff presents his research in an article and an exhibition piece

5 October 2016
Project "The Isle of Pleasure" by Pétur Waldorff, Ana Naomi de Sousa and Paulo Moreira on display at the 2016 Oslo Architecture Triennale.
Pétur Waldorff, a Senior Researcher at UNU-GEST, published his article “The Law is not for the Poor”: Land, Law and Eviction in Luanda, in Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. The article is based on his anthropological research in Luanda, Angola, and can be found here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjtg.12155/full.
Pétur‘s urban research in Luanda is also on display at the 2016 Oslo Architecture Triennale in the project Isle of Pleasures, on which he cooperated with Ana Naomi de Sousa and Paulo Moreira. It is a part of the On Residence exhibition at the Triennale, curated by the After Belonging Agency. The exhibition is on display at the DOGA (Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture) from September 8 – November 27, 2016.