UNU-GEST & RIKK Lecture Series 11 April - "Making women invisible: What gets counted, counts"

8 April 2016

Prof. Joni Seager and Chair of the Global Studies Department at Bentley University gives lecture on 

"Making women invisible: What gets counted, counts", on Monday, 11 April, room 101 in Lögberg building.

Gender relations and the specifics of women's lives are largely absent from official international 'statistical regimes' that provide virtually no gender-disaggregated data at any scale from local to global. This is a product of everyday discrimination - the typical 'overlooking' of women's lives and the assumption that the false male universal still prevails. But there are specific practices, policies, and decisions that produce invisibility.

Dr. Seager is a feminist geographer and has achieved international acclaim for her work in feminist environmental policy analysis, the environmental costs of militaries and militarism, and gender and climate change. She has been an active consultant with the United Nations on several gender and environmental policy projects, including consulting with the United Nations Environmental Programme on integrating gender perspectives into their work, and with UNESCO and the Division on Economic and Social Affairs on gender in water policy. She is currently the lead author for UNEP's first global assessment of gender and environment.

The lecture is given in English, is open to everyone and admission is free. The event is on Facebook. The lecture series in the spring semester 2016 is held in collaboration with RIKK, Insitute for Gender, Equality and Difference, University of Iceland.