UNU-GEST Project Assistant Laura Malinauskaite to present her research on gendered impacts of climate policy at the Conference of Social Sciences

18 October 2016
Laura will be presenting her research in a poster presentation in the Social Sciences' Conference at…
Laura will be presenting her research in a poster presentation in the Social Sciences' Conference at the University of Iceland this year.
Laura Malinauskaite, a project assistant at UNU-GEST will be presenting her masters’ research at the Social Sciences’ Conference organized by the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of the University of Iceland next week. This year the conference called “Þjóðarspegillinn” will be held on the 28th of October at the University of Iceland with the aim of introducing and sharing research material from a broad spectrum of researchers within the Social Sciences in Iceland.
At the conference, Laura will present her research on the gender dimensions of climate change policy in the European context, which consists of the gender impact assessment of the Lithuanian climate change mitigation policy. In her qualitative research she collaborated with Dr. Jón Geir Pétursson, a senior lecturer at the University, and their findings suggest a strong gender relevance of climate policy in Lithuania and the European Union, and point to the need to address these issues through more gender-responsive policies. The poster summarising the research findings can be found at the poster exhibition, which will be on the 1st floor of Háskólatorg from the 24th to the 28th of October.