UNU-GEST fellows on Icelandic National Broadcasting Service

1 May 2018

For the first time UNU-GEST fellows were presented on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service – Ríkisútvarpið, or RÚV for short, in a popular TV programme called Landinn. The UNU-GEST cohort of 2018 was featured in the programme during an annual fieldtrip to the Southeast of Iceland focussed on the relation of climate change and gender. Six fellows and the director of the programme, Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, were interviewed by the programme. Sophie Nabukenya, Marwa Kouki, Mercy Chaluma, Marko Matović, Benazir Muktar and Amira Khader discussed gender equality in their home countries, highlighting how the knowledge and experience which they have gathered during their time in Iceland with the UNU-GEST diploma programme will empower them to bring about change in their own communities. To watch the episode of Landinn and listen to the interviews, visit: http://www.ruv.is/sjonvarp/spila/landinn/24084?ep=7lsb3t.