UNU-GEST alumni Masha Durkalić is co-authoring the book #ŽeneBiH

25 September 2018
UNU-GEST alumni Masha Durkalić is co-authoring the book #ŽeneBiH

We want to bring the book #ŽeneBiH to your attention! It is an artistic, activist and research initiative comprising the biographies of over 50 women from Bosnia Herzegovina who have broken stereotypes and advocated women’s rights and emancipation. The book is a continuation of a small online campaign, which UNU-GEST alumni Masha Durkalić  created with her friends Amila Hrustić Batovanja and Hatidža Gušić, in March 2018, whilst she was attending the UNU-GEST programme in Reykjavik, Iceland. After posting biographies and visuals in March 2018, introducing women who made significant contributions to the history of BiH, Masha, Amila and Hatidža decided to expand their idea into a book portraying over 50 women, each of them illustrated by a different woman illustrator/designer/artist from BiH. The initiative was started with the desire to contribute to the visibility of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to encourage similar educational initiatives. The women featured in #ŽeneBiH are female artists, writers, poets, social workers, national heroines, directors, scientists, musicians, doctors, activists, professors, and other exceptional women from BiH. The authors started crowdfunding the necessary funds for the production of the book in September 2018 and reached their initial goal within 24 hours. However, Durkalić, Hrustić Batovanja and Gušić are continuing to crowdfund in order to print additional copies for public libraries in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can support their efforts by donating to through their Indiegogo campaign. https://igg.me/at/zenebih.