Short course in Reykjavik: Gender-responsive budgeting

9 December 2015

Women face disparities in access and controls over resources. Budgets are important policy instruments as financial resources are required to implement policies. Therefore, budgets are powerful tools for transformation to move society towards gender equality, to promote development and women´s rights. A short course on gender-responsive budgeting will be offered at the University of Iceland campus from 15 to 18 February 2016. The course introduces core concepts and underpinning principles for gender-responsive work, practices, policy processes, instruments, tools and strategies.

Course instructor is Dr. Elisabeth Klatzer who is a leading expert on gender budgeting and holds a PhD in economics from Vienna University and a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Dr. Klatzer has worked on gender responsive budgeting projects and training programs in different parts of the world 

Further information can be found on the UNU-GEST website:

Information on Gender-responsive Budgeting in February 2016

Overview of short courses offered by UNU-GEST