Second lecture of joint lecture series of RIKK and UNU-GEST

24 January 2018
Second lecture of joint lecture series of RIKK and UNU-GEST

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga is the second lecturer of this term’s joint lecture series of RIKK and UNU-GEST. She will be giving her talk „Human Rights, Gender and Religion. Controversies in Political, Social, Cultural and Sexuality Discourses“, on Thursday 25th of January in the lecture hall of the National Museum of Iceland.

Dr. Ulrike Auga is a scholar from the Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin, where she is Professor for Gender Studies and specializes in transdisciplinary Gender, Cultural and Religious Studies. She is currently also a Visiting Professor for Gender Studies at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria and teaches a segment at the UNU-GEST Diplomma Programme. Prof. Auga‘s research interests amongst others are: Gender, Postcolonial, Postsecular, Gender/ Queer Theory Development and Posthuman Epistemology. Therefore, her lecture is going to tackle the topic of human rights from a critical point of view, questioning whether human rights are really useful to all, as this presupposes their determination as a universal norm. Prof. Auga will focus on this controversy, which is particularly visible in the human rights handling of gender, sexuality and religion.

The lecture is held in English, open to the public and free of admission. The event is on . The RIKK & UNU-GEST lecture series is held in collaboration with the National Museum of Iceland.