Palestinian Ambassador visits UNU-GEST

19 December 2015


Dr. Amal A. Jadou, Palestinian Ambassador and Assistant Minister on European Affairs, visited UNU-GEST on 18 December 2015. Ambassador Jadou earned her doctorate from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and attended the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation. She has served for the Palestinian Government since 2005, where her posts have included the Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister.

Ambassador Jadou met with UNU-GEST staff and received an introduction of the school, its mission and collaboration with Palestine. The recruitment of fellows in Palestine was discussed as well as suitable collaborating parties for UNU-GEST and women´s role in mediation.

Of participating countries, Palestine has the single highest number of representatives in the UNU-GEST post-graduate diploma programme, and close collaboration has been maintained with Palestine since the establishment of the diploma programme.