Ivan Titosse project coordinator of RESILIM-O

11 March 2016

IvanMr. Ivan Titosse from Mozambique is a devoted gender equality activist who attended the 2015 UNU Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme post-graduate diploma program in 2015. His primary focus is Community based development with women´s empowerment as a cross-cutting issue. Mr. Titosse feels that the UNU-GEST program offers a strong opportunity for fellows to gain or improve skills to upgrade their carriers and influence strategic plans and politics.

Upon completing the UNU-GEST post-graduate program he was recruited by Verde Azul Consult and now holds the position of a Project Coordinator of a project named RESILIM-O (Resilience in Limpopo Basin-Olifants). The program aims to reduce vulnerability of people and ecosystems through improved transboundary governance and management of natural resources. The program is grounded in a grassroots approach to understanding the systemic causes of vulnerability, including climate vulnerability, and a promoting new ways of thinking and acting to promote integrated water and biodiversity management. Further information about the RESILIM-O project can be found here.  Resilience workshop

Mr. Titosse claims “most of the required skills rather in project management and climate change and gender I acquired in the UNU-GEST modules Practical Tools for Gender Sensitive Projects, and Gender, Climate Change and the Environment.” He is interested to pursue further studies on gender and resilience, based on his previous UNU-GEST knowledge foundation.

The UNU-GEST team congratulates Mr. Titosse on his new position and wishes him well in all his future endeavors.