Insights in the work of Peter Katuramu for National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda

26 October 2018
Insights in the work of Peter Katuramu for National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda

Peter Katuramu works as a Youth Leader Officer for the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda and is an advocate for gender equality. He graduated from the UNU-GEST diploma programme in May 2018 and returned home to Uganda in order to challenge the discrimination and marginalization of women and girls with disabilities. As Katuramu states, when disability and gender intersect, discrimination and marginalization take unique shapes, with diverse effects that require manifold interventions. In Uganda, the gender policies, laws and programs have ignored disability and policies, laws and programs addressing disability are blind to gender, leaving women and girls with disabilities highly marginalized. Peter works towards and advocates for the inclusion of youth with disabilities in development programmes both on a national and district level as well as developing programs to establish better access to HIV&AIDS services for women and girls with disabilities. Furthermore, he mobilizes youth with disabilities to access government programs like youth funds and educates them regarding their rights. Since returning to Uganda in May, he has participated in multiple conferences regarding topics connected to youth with disabilities, one of which being a conference on the participation of young people in electro democracy in Uganda, where he presented the challenges faced by girls with disabilities to participate in elections and leadership positions.

UNU-GEST is cooperating with the National Union of Disabled Persons in Uganda (NUDPU) to support action on social inclusion and disability in Uganda. To find out more about this cooperation click here