Gendered value chain analysis as a research methodology: small scale fisheries by lake Tanganyika

28 October 2016

Small scale fisheriesA conference session on gendered dimensions and gender roles at the Þjóðarspegill conference held at the University of Iceland 28 October (room Oddi 206, session starts at 13:00) includes a talk presented by UNU-GEST on gendered value chain analysis as a research methodology within the social sciences and as an applied tool for informing development interventions.

UNU-GEST field research by lake Tanganyika in Tanzania will be discussed, where the value chain in small scale fisheries is analysed, following the catch from the lake, to the market via multiple value chains. The research is conducted in collaboration with the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP) and MATÍS. The presentation explores the opportunities this methodology offers for social inquiry and as an applied tool for informing development interventions, discussing preliminary findings from the first phase of the research.

 The research is lead by Dr. Pétur Waldorff, who is currently in Tanzania for the second phase of field research, but the presentation will be delivered by Erla Hlín Hjálmasdóttir, Head of Research at UNU-GEST.