Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, the Director of the UNU-GEST programme, on an exchange visit in Podgorica

15 November 2018

As part of an Erasmus+ partnership with the University of Montenegro, Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, the Director of the UNU-GEST programme, is this week on an exchange visit in Podgorica where she introduces the studies programme to prospective students and meets with colleagues to discuss areas for further collaboration.

On Monday, November 12th,  Dr. Erlingsdóttir had a meeting with Nataša Kostić, Vice-Rector of the University of Montenegro, Danijela Ćaalasan-Vuković, Dean of Faculty of Political Sciences, and Bilijana Maslovarić, Dean of the Faculity of Philosophy. On Tuesday, Dr. Erlingsdóttir, and former fellow, Tereza Vujosevic, gave a lecture on the UNU-GEST programme to an amphitheater full of students — some of whom might apply for a joint ERASMUS+ and UNU–GEST fellowship in 2019.

Today, former UNU-GEST fellows Masha Durkalić and Marco Matović joined Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir to give a presentation on the programme at the University of Sarajevo. It was attended by students in the European Regional Master's Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe. After the talk, an engaging discussion took place on the experience of spending a semester in Iceland and on becoming part of the UNU-GEST international network.

Erlingsdóttir also met with Professor Malika Music-Mehemdović, the head of the Center for Interdisciplinary studies (ERMA), and Alina Trkulja, an educational programmes assistant who coordinates the partnership between the UNU-GEST and ERMA.