
Leaders of UNU-FTP and BSFF at signing ceremony
30 September 2014

UNU-FTP signs MoU with the Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation

Yesterday, September 29, 2014, the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme and the Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining collaboration between the two entities in the coming years.
11 August 2014

Second regional training course on broodstock management, October 10-17

The UNU-FTP will co-sponsor a 2nd Regional Training Course on Broodstock Management in Aquaculture will be conducted from 10-17 October 2014 in Vietnam in cooperation with the Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific (NACA), NhaTrang University, and Holar University College.
UNU-FTP fellows at IIFET conference
6 August 2014

UNU-FTP fellows at IIFET Conference

The International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) held its biennial this summer in Brisbane, Australia. As with the last IIFET conference in Dar es Salaam, the UNU-FTP sponsored the participation of a number of former fellows selected by IIFET to present at the conference. The UNU-FTP extends a special congratulations to Muhamad Suhendar and Fanuel Kapute, who have each received Honorable Mentions from the IIFET for their quality contributions to the conference this year. Fanuel Kaupte has received an honorable mention in the EAFE Best African Student Paper Contest and Mohamad Suhendar for JIFRS-Yamamoto Best Paper on Sustainable Fishing contest.
14 May 2014

Performance Management in the Development Sector

At 16:00 in Askja at the University of Iceland today, the United Nations Association of Iceland is hosting an event featuring the UNU schools in Iceland. We will be discussing how we measure the results and impact of our work. The event is open to the public.
Short course participants
2 May 2014

UNU-FTP and Matis hold short course in Tanzania

This week, the UNU-FTP in cooperation with Matis and the Tanzanian Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA) are holding a short course on fish drying and smoking in Bagamoya, Tanzania.
Anthony Taabu-Munyaho
10 April 2014

Former Fellow Anthony Taabu-Munyaho to defend his PhD tomorrow

On Friday, April 11, former UNU-FTP fellow Anthony Taabu-Munyaho from Uganda will defend his PhD. The defense will be held in Askja, room 132 at the University of Iceland at 14:00. The title of the thesis is: Anthropogenic and environmental impacts on the abundance and distribution of commercial fish stocks of Lake Victoria, East Africa.