
UNU-FTP Fellows, 2012-13
7 March 2013

Congratulations to the 2013 UNU-FTP Fellows!

Congratulations to the 2012-13 UNU-FTP fellows who officially completed the 6 month training course in Iceland! This week, the UNU-FTP fellows celebrated their graduation from the 6 month training programme with a ceremony hosted by the Marine Research Institute. This was the 15th cohort that has graduated since the FTP began in 1998.
31 January 2013

UNU-FTP welcomes Dr. Eva Plaganyi to Iceland

This week, the UNU-FTP welcomes Dr. Eva Plaganyi for a brief visit to Iceland. Dr. Plaganyi gave two very interesting lectures to the UNU-FTP fellows and staff of the Marine Research Institute about state-of-the-art ecosystem modeling and her work in Australia.
Gunnar Knapp with the UNU-FTP fellows 2013
10 January 2013

Farewell and thanks to Gunnar Knapp, the FTP's visiting lecturer in 2013

We at the UNU-FTP were very pleased to spend this past week with Professor Gunnar Knapp, a fisheries economist from the University of Alaska in Anchorage.
4 January 2013

Welcome Dr. Gunnar Knapp, the UNU-FTP's 2013 Guest Lecturer

This year, the UNU-FTP guest lecturer is Professor Gunnar Knapp, fisheries economist. He will be in Iceland for one week, give five lectures which are open to the public, and in addition meet with the fellows of the programme, collectively and individually.
Thor with FTP fellows at NARA in Sri Lanka
9 November 2012

UNU-FTP Assistant Director visits Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

Thor Asgeirsson, the UNU-FTP Assistant Director, is visiting Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to assess the needs of our partner institutions in the countries and interview potential candidates for the six month training course.
12 October 2012

UNU-FTP Visits the North of Iceland

The UNU-FTP fellows have arrived in Akureyri in the northern part of Iceland for the last part of the introductory course. While here, the fellows will have the opportunity to visit many companies that are actively working in the field of Icelandic fisheries and on an international level hear lectures from the University of Akureyri School of Business and Science.