
31 August 2017

Reschedule of the Hilborn Lectures

In order to make it possible for all interested parties to attend the whole series of Hilborn Lectures, organized by the UNU-FTP, without conflicts with activities concurrently being held at the World Seafood Congress in Reykjavik, it has been agreed on to shift his lectures slightly forward.
31 August 2017

Visit from the Sri Lankan ambassador

On August 25th, our program was visited by the Sri Lankan ambassador Mr. Jayantha Palipane. Mr. Thor Asgeirsson, the UNU-FTP deputy director, and staff members Ms. Mary Frances Davidson and Mr. Stefán Úlfarsson greeted him.
Ray Hilborn UNU-FTP guest lecturer 2017
29 August 2017

Ray Hilborn is UNU-FTP guest lecturer 2017

The world renowned marine biologist Ray Hilborn is UNU-FTP guest lecturer this year. He will be giving a series of four lectures at the program’s auditorium Skúlagata 4 this September. They are intended for the fellows of our six-month training programme, but, also, for the wider audience of fishery scientists in Iceland.
Iranian ambassador Mr. M. H. Habibol (center).
25 August 2017

Visit from the Iranian ambassador

On August 24th, our program was visited by the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mr. Mohammad Hassan Habibollahzadeh.
New at UNU-FTP Julie Ingham and Stefán Úlfarsson
22 August 2017

Two new employees

The Fisheries Training Program has recently added two new employees to its staff; Julie Ingham joined the program in May and Stefán Úlfarsson at the beginning of August.
Dr. Agus Hermanto thanking the UNU-FTP
17 August 2017

Visit from Indonesia

On August 10th, our program was visited by a high-level delegation from the Republic of Indonesia. It was led by the vice speaker of the Indonesian parliament, Dr. Agus Hermanto. They were greeted by Mr. Thor Asgeirsson, the UNU-FTP deputy director. The two sides discussed some important topics of mutual interest.