
6 January 2017

Geothermal Diploma Course for Latin America – Graduation

The graduation ceremony of the Geothermal Diploma Course for Latin America was held in San Salvador on December 20th, 2016. The event marked the closing of the first edition of this academic programme carried out in cooperation between CEL/LaGeo, UNU-GTP and the University of El Salvador (UES), facilitated by the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs and funded by the Nordic Development Fund.
13 December 2016

MSc defence by Lilian Okwiri

Lilian Aketch Okwiri, MSc Fellow in Sustainable Energy Engineering at the Iceland School of Energy at Reykjavik University, will give a lecture on her MSc project on Monday 19th December, 2016 at 09:00 at Reykjavik University, room V102.
12 December 2016

MSc defence by Jack Kiruja

Philip Jack Muthomi Kiruja, MSc Fellow in Engineering at the Iceland School of Energy at Reykjavik University will give a lecture on his MSc project on Tuesday 13th December, 2016 at 15:00 at Reykjavik University, room M209.
Participants are the short course
26 November 2016

SDG Short Course I on Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources is currently underway

SDG Short Course I on Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources is currently underway at Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
Peketsa Mwaro Mangi from KenGen
10 November 2016

Short Course on Geothermal Project Management at ARGeo-C6 in Ethiopia

The Short Course on Project Management for Geothermal Development was held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in the two days leading up to the 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference, October 31 – November 1.
Ban Ki-moon with the UNU Programmes' directors
11 October 2016

Ban Ki-moon meets with the UNU Iceland Programmes

Mr Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, attended the Arctic Circle conference in Reykjavík last weekend and requested the opportunity to meet with the UNU Programmes in Iceland.