
21 August 2007

Annual visiting lecturer at the UNU-GTP

This year, the annual UNU Visiting Lecturer is Antonio Rodriguez, General Manager of LaGeo S.A. de C.V., San Salvador, El Salvador. LaGeo is responsible for the development and exploitation of geothermoelectric projects in the country, and commercialization of energy produced. LaGeo currently contributes 27% of the electricity in El Salvador through geothermal sources, making it the second largest energy producer in the country. Twenty five geoscientists and engineers from El Salvador have graduated from the UNU-GTP. Most of them are employees of LaGeo.
20 August 2007

MSc thesis by Joshua Ochieng' Were

Joshua Ochieng‘ Were, Environmental Scientist from the Kenya Electrical Generating Company, graduated in absentia in June, 2007 from the University of Iceland. He was awarded an MSc, in Environmental Science and Natural resource Management, with distinction.
12 July 2007

Official visit from China

An official delegation from Shaanxi Province in China, headed by Executive Vice Governor Mr. Zhao Zhengyong accompanied by the Mayor of Xianyang Mr. Qian Junchang and other officials, visited the UNU-GTP on Tuesday the 10th of July, 2007.
18 June 2007

Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources

ANNOUNCEMENT Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen) will be hosting “Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources”, to be held at Lake Bogoria Hotel and Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge, 2-17 November, 2007.
11 May 2007

29th Session at UNU-GTP

The 29th annual session of the UNU-GTP opened on 25th April 2007. Twenty one UNU Fellows from 14 countries participate in the six month specialized courses. They come from Albania 1, China 1, Costa Rica 1, El Salvador 3, Eritrea 1, Ethiopia 2, Indonesia 2, Iran 3, Jordan 1, Kenya 2, Nicaragua 1, Russia 1, Tanzania 1, and Uganda 1. They will be trained in: Geological Exploration 3, Borehole Geology 1, Geophysical Exploration 3, Chemistry of Thermal Fluids 3, Environmental Studies 4, and Geothermal Utilization.
11 May 2007

Addition to the UNU-GTP staff

Ms. Dorthe Hegnet Holm, MSc in geology, joined the staff at UNU-GTP on May 1.