
17 March 2020

Update Regarding Covid-19

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the University of Iceland will be closed for the next four weeks. This closure affects the current 2020 GEST programme severely as all teaching now happens online.
FTP fellows 22nd cohort together with minister of fisheries and agriculture Mr. Kristján Þór Júlíusson.
27 February 2020

Congratulations FTP fellows 22nd cohort

FTP fellows 22nd cohort graduated from the Six-month training in a ceremony held yesterday 26th of February at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland.
24 February 2020

Útskrift Sjávarútvegsskólans

Miðvikudaginn 26. febrúar kl. 15:00 fer fram brautskráning nemenda Sjávarútvegsskólans. Athöfnin fer fram í sal Hafrannsóknastofnunar, Skúlagötu 4 - 1. hæð. Strax að henni lokinni, eða kl. 16:00, verður móttaka fyrir gesti á sama stað og munu þá útskriftarnemendur kynna verkefni sín á sérstakri veggspjaldasýningu.
24 February 2020

Climate Change, Gender Equality and Development Cooperation

This lecture will focus specifically on the links between gender and climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa and discuss the importance of integrating gender concerns into climate policies and programmes in development cooperation.
FTP 2019-20 fellows on a site visit in Grindavik, Reykjanes peninsula
24 February 2020

Graduation Wednesday 26th of February

On Wednesday 26th of February the Fisheries Training Programme will hold a graduation ceremony for its 22nd cohort of fellows. Everyone who is interested in the programme is welcome. The ceremony will take place in the lecture hall at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) Skúlagata 4, 1st floor and starts at 15:00.
20 February 2020

Announcement of MSc and PhD fellowship recipients

The evaluation of the applications received from former Fellows for GTP Fellowships for MSc and PhD studies in Iceland has now been carried out. There were 15 valid applications for MSc studies and 4 for the PhD studies, which shows good interest for geothermal studies in Iceland.