
Binna Kipandula and Leonard Gondwe with Professor Ása L. Aradóttir who leads the Restoration Ecology MSc programme
13 September 2023

Two former GRÓ LRT fellows start master's studies at AUI

Ms. Binna Kipandula and Mr. Leonard Gondwe, both from Malawi, started their master's studies at the Agricultural University of Iceland in late August, on a scholarship from GRÓ LRT. Following their successful completion of the six-month training programme in Iceland in 2022, they applied to and were granted admission to the newly-established MSc programme in Restoration Ecology at the Agricultural University of Iceland.
31 August 2023


Sjávarútvegsskóli GRÓ er hluti af GRÓ - Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu, sem er sjálfstæð miðstöð um uppbyggingu færni og þekkingar í þróunarlöndum og starfar undir merkjum Mennta-, vísinda- og menningarmálastofnunar Sameinuðu þjóðanna (UNESCO)
GRÓ LRT fellows of 2023 on graduation day. Photo: Rósa Björk Jónsdóttir
31 August 2023

Congratulations to the GRÓ LRT fellows of 2023

The GRÓ Land Restoration Training Programme celebrated the graduation of 23 fellows from GRÓ LRT’s six-month training on 29 August at the Keldnaholt campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland. This is the 16th graduating cohort of GRÓ LRT and the largest one to date.
GRÓ LRT fellows with the President in Bessastaðir
25 August 2023

GRÓ LRT fellows meet with the President of Iceland

The GRÓ LRT fellows had the honour of visiting the President of Iceland, Mr. Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, at Bessastaðir, the presidential residence, this week.
Esther Olufunmilayo from Nigeria presenting her project results
23 August 2023

GRÓ LRT fellows present project outcomes

As this year’s six-month programme draws to an end, the GRÓ LRT fellows are busy with finalizing their individual projects. Today and yesterday, they have presented the results of their projects in open seminars at the Keldnaholt campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland. Over the preceding months, the fellows have pursued their projects under the expert guidance of specialists from various institutes and organizations in Iceland.
GRÓ LRT fellows with Mr Sveinn Runólfsson, former Director of the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland
18 August 2023

Exploring Þórsmörk Nature Reserve

The GRÓ LRT fellows went on a one-day excursion to Þórsmörk nature reserve last week. The focus of this excursion was on how ecosystem restoration can increase ecosystem resilience and mitigate disaster risks.