Title: Measures to improve the safety and quality of scombroid fish in Mozambique: the methodology of quality index method and histamine measurements.

Final project
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Supervisors: Kolbrun Sveinsdottir , Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir , Ildikó Olajos
safety; quality; scombroid fish; Mozambique; quality index method (QIM); histamine measurement;


Safety and freshness are important attributes of the overall quality of seafood. The main aim of this study was to learn about sensory methods for seafood, with focus on freshness evaluation and how sensory evaluation tools may be used to improve the sensory quality of Mozambique exported seafood products. Further, the aim was to deepen the knowledge about histamine formation and receive training in histamine measurements. Quality Index Method (QIM) is a sensory method that can be applied to evaluate the freshness of seafood. QIM was adapted and evaluated for whole Senegalese sole within this project. Whole Senegalese sole was stored in ice for up to 21 days and changes in quality attributes over storage time were observed. Parallel, changes in odour and flavour were monitored. A new 26-point QIM scheme developed for Senegalese sole during this project was suggested. A preliminary shelf life study showed a strong linear relationship (R2= 0,969) between the average QI for each storage day and storage time in ice. During shelf life experiments with Atlantic mackerel, five groups were kept and stored at different temperatures and sampled after 26, 50 and 74 hours for biogenic amines measurements. One group was dipped in an inoculum of Photobacterium phosphoreum (103 CFU/mL) and a second group in an inoculum of Lactobacillus casei (103 CFU/mL) followed by storage at 21 ºC. The other three groups were not inoculated but stored at 1,5 ºC, 12 ºC and 21 ºC. Higher storage temperature resulted in higher BA/histamine formed, especially in samples dipped in an inoculum of Photobacterium phosphoreum (554 ppm) or Lactobacillus casei (256 ppm).

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