
The status of fisheries and aquaculture in OSPESCA’s countries


7.11.2019 - 8.11.2019


Managua, Nicaragua (view on map)


59 50 9

A 2-day symposium in Nicaragua, on November 7 – 8, 2019. With the targeted groups from the member states of Organizacióndel Sector Pesquero y Acuícola del Istmo Centroamericano (OSPESCA), the symposium discussed fisheries policy and management mechanisms, having a total of 57 participants ranging from 7 different nationalities.


Considering the development of the cooperation between OSPESCA and the UNU-FTP in relation to the MoU, the fact finding mission in 2016, and the initiative by the Nicaraguan government the following is proposed as a means to further establish/strengthen the relationship between Iceland/UNU-FTP and to clarify the next steps in enhancing the Institutional Capacity of the key fisheries institutes in OSPESCA member states. The following points highlight the structure and content of a symposium held at INPESCA in Nicaragua.

  • A two day symposium on the status of fisheries and the main challenges faced in maximizing the sustainable social and economic benefits of aquatic living resources in OSPESCA member countries will be held at INPESCA in Nicaragua in October or November this year (2019).
  • At the symposium, every member state will present the status of the fisheries and aquaculture and identify priority areas that need to be strengthened in order to sustainably manage the resource.
  • At the symposium the UNU-FTP will present their operation, their results, and related activities that could assist OSPESCA member states to reach their fisheries management goals.
  • The UNU-FTP would also present and demonstrate how Iceland has managed to gain control over its marine stocks and moved from a supply driven fishing industry to a market driven and knowledge-based fisheries. A special presentation will be given on Fisheries Economics and Quality Management.
  • Special consideration will be given to the capacity building needs of the OSPESCA member states and common denominators identified.
  • Each member state will send 2-3 representatives to participate in the symposium. The UNU-FTP will send two representatives and two experts in the key fields of fisheries.




Thor Heiðar Ásgeirsson


María Guðjónsdóttir

Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing
University of Iceland

Daði Már Kristófersson

Supervisor, Lecturer
Fisheries Policy and Management
University of Iceland



Alexis Omar Pena Castro

2018 | Six month training
Fisheries Policy and Management

Keith Johanis Bennett Wilson

2017 | Six month training
Sustainable Aquaculture