1 November 2023
Knowledge Exchange Visit
Over the past one and a half week some good friends from the Pacific have been here in Iceland on a “Knowledge Exchange Visit” organised by GRÓ-FTP.
31 August 2023
Sjávarútvegsskóli GRÓ er hluti af GRÓ - Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu, sem er sjálfstæð miðstöð um uppbyggingu færni og þekkingar í þróunarlöndum og starfar undir merkjum Mennta-, vísinda- og menningarmálastofnunar Sameinuðu þjóðanna (UNESCO) https://www.grocentre.is/ftp
14 July 2023
18 Fisheries professionals equipped with new skills
Press Release: 18 Fisheries professionals equipped with new skills through the CRFM & GRÓ-FTP Fisheries Assessment and Data Modelling course
2 June 2023
Former FTP fellow in Malawi, James Banda, hosts a visit from the University of Iceland
Visit from Professor Maria and Faculty Members from University of Iceland
27 April 2023
Congratulations FTP fellows 24th cohort
Yesterday the 24th cohort of GRÓ FTP fellows graduated from the six-month training programme in a ceremony held at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute -- 22 fellows from 14 countries.
25 April 2023
Congratulations Dr. Hang Thi Nguyen
We extend our warm congratulations to GRÓ-FTP fellow and scholarship recipient, Hang Thi Nguyen, who defended her doctoral dissertation on April 18, 2023.