A Malaysian delegation visits UNU-FTP

25 March 2014
A Malaysian delegation visits UNU-FTP

A delegation from the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authorities and the private sector in Malaysia visited Iceland and the UNU-FTP on March 23-28. The purpose of the visit was to explore fish marketing and price development of fish and fisheries products in relation to management and quality assurance.

One of the delegates, Mr. Zakaria bin Al, is a former UNU-FTP fellow from 2010. Zakaria used is experience in the UNU-FTP to plan this visit.

The Malaysian Fisheries Development Authorities are facing challenges in their fisheries management in terms of flow and management of fisheries related information and the buy-in of various stakeholders. During their stay in Iceland the delegation visited the Ministry of Industry and Innovation, the Marine Research Institute, the Directorate of Fisheries, Matis-Food and Biotech R&D,   Fish Market and Auctioning, The National Association of Small Boat Owners, and other various smaller companies in the fishing industry in Snaefellsnes Peninsula. The UNU-FTP is happy to have been able to assist the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authorities in developing their fisheries.