Fellows 2024-25

This gateway is designed to meet the needs of GRÓ-FTP's 2024-25 fellows and lecturers. From here you can access practical information about the programme, such as orientation guidlines and timetables. Presentations and assignments, however, are shared through the access-limited File Storage.

News headlines

24 February 2025

Fisheries Projects through the Eyes of the WB Specialist

On Tuesday, February 18, the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland buzzed with energy as GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme fellows gathered for an afternoon seminar that promised both inspiration and a fresh perspective on global fisheries projects. The event featured Mr. Xavier Vincent, a seasoned Senior Fisheries Specialist at the World Bank, who shared with the audience his insights into the inner workings of WB-funded projects across the Pacific, Africa, and Asia.
Future trends at the Icelandic Ocean Cluster
22 January 2025

Change and continuity

Exploring future trends for fisheries, the FTP fellows asked questions like “what is likely to change and what will probably continue”, during the fourth week of the Six month training programme.
19 December 2024

The balancing act

How Suðurnesjamenn, “The Southerners”, harness their inhospitable land and sea, seeking a balance between dare and awe, to provide for themselves and build up prosperous operations, is an inspiring story that our fellows set out to explore in a field trip Wednesday December 4th.
3 December 2024

A fisheries microcosm

After settling in the programme and adjusting to winter conditions in Iceland, the newly arrived 2024-25 cohort of fellows spent their second week drawing up a general outline of the status of world fisheries and aquaculture.
Every morning fellows will take public bus to the small picturesque seaside village of Hafnarfjörður, 12 km to the south of Reykjavik, where training takes place.
17 November 2024

Welcome 26th cohort of fellows

Over the coming days most of the fellows, invited for this year’s Six-month training, will arrive in Iceland.
15 May 2024

Congratulations FTP fellows 25th cohort

Today our 25th cohort of fellows graduated from the six-month training programme, in a cheerful ceremony held at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute -- 25 fellows from 15 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

Practical information

Welcome to Iceland

You arrive at the time of the year when winter is coming ... and the Christmas season is approaching.

This year, September 23rd was the day of the equinox, i.e., when daytime and night-time are of equal duration all over the planet.

After that we have progressively longer night-time than daytime here in the north and we also start to experience colder weather and occasional snow storms.

In December the temperature usually ranges between -1.5 and 3.0 degrees Celsius. It can go well below zero, especially during the night. For outdoor activities you would need a warm jumper, wind /waterproof outer shell, and good shoes.

On the official tourism website Visit Iceland  you find a lot of practical information on the weather, what to wear, food, currency, safety issues etc.


Incoming fellows profile

The 2024-25 cohort includes 23 fellows from 14 countries -- in Latin America & the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. This year women (12) are one more than men (11). Three lines of specialisation have 6 fellows each (the Aquatic Resource Assessment and Monitoring line, the Sustainable Aquaculture line and the Quality Management line); the Fisheries Policy and Management line, which was the largest line last year, has 5 fellows this time.

For individual fellows' profile see here >

This year´s  FTP staff

The GRÓ-FTP team at work  ...

from the left, Julie Ingham, Zaw Myo Win and Stefán Úlfarsson (holding the camera ha ha).

Missing in the photo is Þór Ásgeirsson.

More information here >

Roles & responsibilities

The following roles & responsibilities primarily apply during the 3 month research period which requires smooth collaboration between fellows, heads of lines, supervisors and the GRÓ-FTP team.

The research project is a collaborative project between fellows, supervisors, heads of lines and the GRÓ FTP team, where the fellow bears the main responsibility.

The fellow is responsible for:

  • Coming up with ideas for a project that is then developed in collaboration with the supervisor and GRÓ FTP team.
  • Ensuring that the work undertaken will add value to their home institution.
  • Implementation of work related to the project.
  • Following the instructions on formatting and writing,
  • Taking the initiative in seeking help if help is needed.
  • Informing the supervisor and GRÓ FTP team about the progress of the project.
  • Notifying the GRÓ FTP team if progress of project implementation is slow and the possible reason for that.
  • Working with the supervisor on setting regular meetings and then keeping to them.
  • Contacting the supervisor at least once a week.
  • Inviting other relevant parties to regular supervisor meetings.

Heads of lines find supervisors to assist in designing and implementing fellows’ final research projects.

The following are some of the supervisors’ responsibilities:

  • The supervisors, in collaboration with the heads of lines, and in consultation with FTP staff, are responsible for coaching the fellows through the research project. That includes helping them to define research topics, planning the project, and provide the fellows with necessary support (logistics, facilities, consultation, etc.).
  • The supervisor should assist the fellow in the development of the project idea and assist in the preparation of a project proposal.
  • The supervisor must ensure that all academic requirements are met, specifically the use and registration of sources (references and bibliography).
  • The supervisor is expected to meet the fellow at least once a week. It is important that the supervisor establishes rules regarding communication and regular meetings with the fellow so that time is used as efficiently as possible, and distractions are reduced. The supervisor should ensure that the fellow has access to the data and people needed to complete the project. If the supervisor must be absent for some time, he or she bears responsibility for ensuring that the fellow knows what needs to be done in his or her absence.

Although the heads of lines /supervisors oversee the professional aspects of the research project, the GRÓ FTP team will always monitor the process closely and intervene if necessary. It is therefore important that both supervisors and fellows are in good communication with the GRÓ FTP team. If any problems arise, they should be resolved as soon as possible. It is very important that the short time allotted for the project is used well and that fellows have a balanced workload throughout the period. The supervisor and fellow will formally meet with the GRÓ FTP team 2-3 times to review the status of the project.

Fellowship administration

General information

It is always challenging to settle into a new society. To help incoming fellows to orient themselves FTP has put together a handbook with practical information on weather conditions, suitable clothing, accommodation, service hours, entertainment, transportation, important phone numbers … and last but not least, about the fellowship’s responsibilities and benefits.

It is possible to upload a PDF version of the FTP General Handbook here>


The GRÓ House is the Reykjavík home of the GRÓ six-month fellows (GRÓ-FTP, GRÓ-GTP & GRÓ-LRT) and houses occasionally GRÓ MS/MSc and PhD scholarship recipients and visiting guest lecturers invited by the four GRÓ Programmes. The house is located on Grensásvegur 14, close to a major shopping and recreational area with convenient access to bus routes.

It is possible to upload a PDF version of the GRÓ House Handbook here>

Fellowship course

The core activity of the FTP is an annual postgraduate level six-month training programme in Iceland which aims to strengthen the professional capacity and competency of FTP Fellows to actively contribute to work done in their organisations and to recognise development potential in their home countries.

Each year the course runs for six months and comprises three modules: an introductory part, a specialisation part, and an individual research project. Successful graduates receive a UNESCO GRÓ certificate of completion.


The introductory part occupies the first 5-6 weeks of the programme and gives Fellows a holistic view of fisheries, providing them with insights into various disciplines within fisheries and their connectedness.

In this course, Fellows receive a comprehensive overview of fisheries in an international context, sharpening their understanding of fisheries in their home countries and what is needed for a fisheries sector to evolve.

The introduction consists of a series of lectures, site visits and assignments, touching upon the subject of personal and professional growth, and group dynamics.

GRÓ FTP places emphasis on environmental conservation and gender equality which are integral to sustainable fisheries and the development of the fisheries sector.

Transition from introduction

On completion of the introduction, fellows join one of four lines of specialisation: Fisheries Policy and Management; Aquatic Resource Assessment and Monitoring; Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing; or Sustainable Aquaculture.

Fellows now have the task of attending a full specialisation programme while, at the same time, developing research project ideas into a proposal.

During this phase, heads of lines provide fellows with course outlines, time schedules and reading materials specific to their lines of specialisation. They also lead the process of assigning supervisor(s) to work with fellows on their research project.

FTP staff, on the other hand, monitor fellows’ progress and, also, provide support and tools across the specialisation lines.


On completion of the introductory part, each Fellow joins a specialist line according to their area of expertise and responsibilities at home. The lines focus on one specific area of fisheries and aims to hone each Fellow’s knowledge and experience throughout a six-week programme of lectures, assignments, and site visits. During this time, Fellows develop ideas for a final project in collaboration with their supervisors communicated through a project proposal submitted orally and in writing in the 7th week.

The FTP offers training in four areas of specialisation:

  • Fisheries Policy and Management (University of Akureyri in the north of Iceland)
  • Aquatic Resource Assessment and Monitoring (Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Hafnarfjörður, near Reykjavík)
  • Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing (Matís, Food Science and Biotechnology Institute in Reykjavík)
  • Sustainable Aquaculture (Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Hafnarfjörður, near Reykjavík)

Research project

The programme culminates in a 12-13 week research project in which fellows work closely with a supervisor to conduct research on a pressing issue related to their work at home. The project work combines the Fellow’s experience and practical skills gained in the introductory and specialist training, along with their personal goals on an individual research topic. Project design skills are applied to develop and present a research proposal, and then research is conducted individually through close collaboration with an expert supervisor. Final projects most often involve data directly from Fellows' home countries. On completion, a research paper is submitted and published on the GRÓ-FTP website. In addition, Fellows are required to design an information poster summarising their research and present their results in an open dissemination meeting.

The overall schedule

The overall schedule for the 2024-25 semester is presented below.


Week 1 (Nov 18-24): Orientation

Below is a preliminary schedule for the first week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

Mon 18-Nov
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00   On the move Health check f/h (11 fellows) FTP staff O  
  11:00 On the move Health check f/h (11 fellows) FTP staff O  
11:00   On the move Bus to Hafnarfjordur FTP staff O  
  12:15 On the move Bus to Hafnarfjordur FTP staff O  
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor Informal welcome FTP staff O  
13:50 14:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor Informal welcome FTP staff O  
14:40 15:25 On the move Hafnarfjordur walk FTP staff O  
15:30 16:15 On the move Bus to GRÓ-house FTP staff O  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Tue 19-Nov
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00   On the move Health check s/h (9 fellows) FTP staff O  
  10:15 On the move Health check s/h (9 fellows) FTP staff O  
10:15   On the move Immigration FTP staff O  
  13:00 On the move Immigration FTP staff O  
/// Break ///
13:30 13:45 On the move Travelling to Hafro from UTL FTP staff O  
13:50 14:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor House keeping Zaw Myo Win O  
14:40 15:25 MFRI - big room 1st floor Computer set up Service provided by
Þekking IT company
15:30 16:15 MFRI - big room 1st floor Computer set up Service provided by
Þekking IT company
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Wed 20-Nov
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Computer set up / Help assistance Service provided by
Þekking IT company
09:50 10:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Computer set up / Help assistance Service provided by
Þekking IT company
10:40 11:25 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Scheduling, objectives, assignments,
File storage, philosophy
FTP staff O  
11:30 12:15 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Scheduling, objectives, assignments,
File storage, philosophy
FTP staff O  
/// Break ///
13:15 13:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Formal launch of programme Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
13:50 14:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Welcome to MFRI Þorsteinn Sigurðson
(director of MFRI*)
14:40 15:25 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Walk around the MFRI house FTP staff O  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
* MFRI: Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
Thu 21-Nov
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Group dynamics and
ground rules
Brita Berglund
(GRÓ-LRT staff)
09:50 10:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Group dynamics and
ground rules
Brita Berglund
(GRÓ-LRT staff)
10:40 11:25 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Group dynamics and
ground rules
Brita Berglund
(GRÓ-LRT staff)
11:30 12:15 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Group dynamics and
ground rules
Brita Berglund
(GRÓ-LRT staff)
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Social assignmennt, intro Julie Ingham (FTP) O  
13:50 14:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Outstanding isues FTP staff O  
14:40 15:25 On the move Buffer Fellows O  
15:30 16:15 On the move Buffer Fellows O  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Fri 22-Nov
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Trends in world fisheries Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
S 14
09:50 10:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Trends in world fisheries Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
S 14
10:40 11:25 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Trends in world fisheries Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
S 14
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Individual asignments, intro Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) )O  
13:50 14:35 MFRI - big room 1st floor
near skemma
Outstanding isues FTP staff O  
14:40 15:25 On the move Buffer Fellows O  
15:30 16:15 On the move Buffer Fellows O  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Sat 23-Nov
      Sunday 24-Nov      


Week 2 (Nov 25 - Dec 1): Overview

Below is a preliminary schedule for the second week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

Mon 25-Nov /Environment
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Oceanography and fisheries Steingrímur Jónsson (MFRI & University of Akureyri) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Oceanography and fisheries Steingrímur Jónsson (MFRI & University of Akureyri) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Oceanography and fisheries Steingrímur Jónsson (MFRI & University of Akureyri) S  
    /// Break ///    
13:00 13:45 MFRI Fish biology Haseeb Randhawa (University of Iceland) S  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Fish biology Haseeb Randhawa (University of Iceland) S  
14:40 16:30 MFRI Presentation: Social assignment Fellows M  
16:30 18:00 MFRI Welcome social event for fellows (with food + drinks) Fellows & staff O  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Tue 26-Nov /Ecology
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Population dynamics of fisheries Warsha Singh (MFRI) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Population dynamics of fisheries Warsha Singh (MFRI) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Population dynamics of fisheries Warsha Singh (MFRI) S  
    /// Break ///    
13:00 13:45 MFRI Data and statistics Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
13:50 14:35 MFRI Data and statistics Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
14:40 15:25 MFRI Data and statistics Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
15:30 16:15 MFRI Data and statistics Þór Ásgeirsson
(director of GRÓ-FTP)
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Wed 27-Nov /Technology
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Fishing gear and selectivity Haraldur Einarsson
09:50 10:35 MFRI Fishing gear and selectivity Haraldur Einarsson
10:40 11:25 MFRI World aquaculture Theódór Kristjánsson (MFRI) S  
11:30 12:15 MFRI Field trip: MFRI biological sampling
& laboratory work (link to MFRI's intro page)
Guðrún & Svandís (MFRI) M  
    /// Break ///    
12:45 13:30 On the move Field trip: MFRI surveys & research vessel Árni Friðriksson (link to MFRI's vessels page) Svandís & Sólrún (MFRI) M  
13:30 14:00 On the move Field trip: Harbour walk (link to Hafnarfjörður's harbour main page) Stefán, Zaw & Thor (FTP) M  
14:00 14:30 On the move Visit to a small fish processing
company Hólmasker (link to company's main page)
Stefán, Zaw & Thor (FTP) M  
14:30 16:15 On the move Field trip: Back to MFRI /talk with the Directorite of fisheries (link to Directorite of fisheries main page) Stefán, Zaw & Thor (FTP) M  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Thu 28-Nov /Food & society
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Fish handling, processing and markets Guðmundur Stefánsson (Matís) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Fish handling, processing and markets Guðmundur Stefánsson (Matís) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Fish handling, processing and markets Guðmundur Stefánsson (Matís) S  
    /// Break ///    
13:00 13:45 MFRI Professional communication/overview Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Professional communication/Presentation skills Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Professional communication/Writing summaries Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
15:30 16:15 MFRI Professional communication/Assignment 1 Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Fri 29-Nov /Policy & management
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:50 10:35 MFRI Fishing sector in a historical /comparative perspective Hreiðar Þór Valtýsson (University of Akureyri) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Fishing sector in a historical /comparative perspective Hreiðar Þór Valtýsson (University of Akureyri) S  
11:30 12:15 MFRI Fishing sector in a historical /comparative perspective Hreiðar Þór Valtýsson (University of Akureyri) S  
      /// Break ///      
13:00 13:45 MFRI Discussions FTP staff M  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Discussions FTP staff M  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Discussions FTP staff M  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Sat 30-Nov /Weekend
Sun 31-Nov /Weekend


Week 3 (Dec 2-8): Challenges

Below is a preliminary schedule for the third week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

      Mon 02-Dec /Environment      
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI
NOTE: Seminar postponed, will be rescheduled.
Global warming and other challenges to fisheries and aquaculture Sara Harðardóttir (MFRI) S


09:50 10:35 MFRI
NOTE: Seminar postponed, will be rescheduled.
Global warming and other challenges to fisheries and aquaculture Sara Harðardóttir (MFRI) S 13.0,
10:40 11:25 MFRI
NOTE: Seminar postponed, will be rescheduled.
Global warming and other challenges to fisheries and aquaculture Sara Harðardóttir (MFRI) S 13.0,
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment I Fellows M  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment I Fellows M  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment I Fellows M  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
      Tue 03-Dec /Ecology      
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Climate and fisheries Ólafur Ástþórsson
S 13.0,
09:50 10:35 MFRI Climate and fisheries Ólafur Ástþórsson
S 13.0,
10:40 11:25 MFRI Climate and fisheries Ólafur Ástþórsson
S 13.0,
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Data and statistics:
Qualitative research & survey design
 Verena Karlsdóttir (University of Akureyri) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Data and statistics:
Qualitative research & survey design
Verena Karlsdóttir (University of Akureyri) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Data and statistics:
Qualitative research & survey design
Verena Karlsdóttir (University of Akureyri) T  
15:30 16:15 MFRI Data and statistics:
Qualitative research & survey design
Verena Karlsdóttir (University of Akureyri) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
      Wed 04-Dec /Technology      
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
08:10 08:55 On the move Field trip: The balance between
man and nature -- Reykjanes & Sandgerði
Ólafur J. Arnbjörnsson (specialist),
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) & Zaw Myo Min (FTP)
09:00 09:45 On the move Field trip: The balance between
man and nature -- Icelandic collage of fisheries
Ólafur J. Arnbjörnsson (specialist),
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) & Zaw Myo Min (FTP)
09:50 10:35 On the move Field trip: The balance between
man and nature -- Samherji fishfarming company and Spes Seafood fish export company
Ólafur J. Arnbjörnsson (specialist),
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) & Zaw Myo Min (FTP)
10:40 11:25 On the move Field trip: The balance between
man and nature -- FMS (fish auction market)
Ólafur J. Arnbjörnsson (specialist),
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) & Zaw Myo Min (FTP)
11:30 12:15 On the move Field trip: The balance between
man and nature -- Working lunch at Icelandic collage of fisheries
Ólafur J. Arnbjörnsson (specialist),
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) & Zaw Myo Min (FTP)
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI
NOTE: Seminar postponed, will be rescheduled.
Consequences of aquaculture
Theódór Kristjánsson (MFRI) S 14.7
13:50 14:35 MFRI Overview of aquaculture in Faroe Islands Amanda Vang (FIRUM) S 14.7
14:40 15:25 MFRI Effect of fishing activities
on marine ecosystems
Haraldur Einarsson (MFRI /FAO) S 14.1, 14.2
15:30 16:15 MFRI Effect of fishing activities
on marine ecosystems
Haraldur Einarsson (MFRI /FAO) S 14.1, 14.2
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
      Thu 05-Dec /Food & society      
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Food security, post-harvest loss and fish value chains Anna Þóra Hrólfsdóttir (Matís) S 2, 3, 14
09:50 10:35 MFRI Food security, post-harvest loss and fish value chains Anna Þóra Hrólfsdóttir (Matís) S 2, 3, 14
10:40 11:25 MFRI Food security, post-harvest loss and fish value chains Anna Þóra Hrólfsdóttir (Matís) S 2, 3, 14
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Professional communication/Review of assignment 1 Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Professional communication/References and citations Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Professional communication/Formatting in Word Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
15:30 16:15 MFRI Professional communication/Assignment 2 planning Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
      Fri 06-Dec /Policy & management      
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:50 10:35 MFRI Overexploitation and modelling Thanh Viet Nguyen
(University of Akureyri)
S 14.4,14.6, 14.7
10:40 11:25 MFRI Overexploitation and modelling Thanh Viet Nguyen
(University of Akureyri)
S 14.4,14.6, 14.7
11:30 12:15 MFRI Overexploitation and modelling Thanh Viet Nguyen
(University of Akureyri)
S 14.4,14.6, 14.7
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Discussions FTP staff M  
13:50 14:35 MFRI
NOTE: Rescheduled from 02-Dec
Global warming and other challenges to fisheries and aquaculture Sara Harðardóttir (MFRI) S


14:40 15:25 MFRI
NOTE: Rescheduled from 02-Dec
Global warming and other challenges to fisheries and aquaculture Sara Harðardóttir (MFRI) S 13.0,
15:30 16:15 MFRI
NOTE: Rescheduled from 02-Dec
Global warming and other challenges to fisheries and aquaculture Sara Harðardóttir (MFRI) S 13.0,
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Sat 07-Dec /Weekend
Sun 08-Dec /Weekend


Week 4 (Dec 9-15): The future

Below is a preliminary schedule for the forth week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

Mon 09-Dec /Environment
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP goals SDG goals
09:00 09:45 MFRI Environmental governance Jón Geir Pétursson (University of Iceland) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Environmental governance Jón Geir Pétursson (University of Iceland) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Environmental governance Jón Geir Pétursson (University of Iceland) S  
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment II Fellows M  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment II Fellows M  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment II Fellows M  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Tue 10-Dec /Ecology
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Ecosystem based approaches Anika Sonjudóttir (MFRI) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Ecosystem based approaches Anika Sonjudóttir (MFRI) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI
NOTE: Rescheduled
from 04-Dec
Consequences of aquaculture
Theódór Kristjánsson (MFRI) S  
11:30 12:15 MFRI
NOTE: Rescheduled
from 04-Dec
Consequences of aquaculture
Theódór Kristjánsson (MFRI) S  
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
15:30 16:15 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Wed 11-Dec /Technology
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Emerging solutions:
Vessels & gear
Haraldur Einarsson
09:50 10:35 MFRI Emerging solutions:
Vessels & gear
Haraldur Einarsson
10:40 11:25 On the move Field trip: Continuity and change -- Visit to a net-loft in Hafnarfjörður (relocated from Grindavík) Haraldur Einarsson
(MFRI/FAO), FTP staff
11:30 12:15 On the move

Field trip: Continuity and change -- Visit to Reykjavík Maritime Museum

Zaw Myo Win (FTP) &
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP)
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 On the move Field trip: Continuity and change -- visit to Brim fishing and processing company Zaw Myo Win (FTP) &
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP)
13:50 14:35 On the move Field trip: Continuity and change -- visit to Brim fishing and processing company Zaw Myo Win (FTP) &
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP)
14:40 15:25 On the move Field trip: Continuity and change -- Walk along the old harbour in Reykjavík Zaw Myo Win (FTP) &
Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP)
15:30 16:15 On the move Field trip: Continuity and change -- Intro to GRÓ International Centre (at the Maritime Museum) Nína Björk Jónsdóttir,
(GRÓ director general)
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Thu 12-Dec /Food & society
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Food research, full utilization and new products Jónas Viðarsson (Matís) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Food research, full utilization and new products Jónas Viðarsson (Matís) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Blue food for nutritious, equitable and sustainable livelihood Stefán Jón Hafstein (specialist) S  
11:30 12:15 MFRI Blue food for nutritious, equitable and sustainable livelihood Stefán Jón Hafstein (specialist) S  
/// Break ///
13:30 13:45 MFRI Professional communication/Review of assignment 2 Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Professional communication/Academic Writing Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Professional communication/Academic Writing Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
15:30 16:15 MFRI Professional communication/Assignment 3 planning Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Fri 13-Dec /Policy & management
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP
09:00 09:45 MFRI Emerging solutions:
Theódór Kristjánsson (MFRI) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Evolution of a fisheries management system

Hörður Sævaldsson
(University of Akureyri)

10:40 11:25 MFRI Evolution of a fisheries management system Hörður Sævaldsson
(University of Akureyri)
11:30 12:15 MFRI Evolution of a fisheries management system Hörður Sævaldsson
(University of Akureyri)
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Gender and fisheries Anna Karlsdóttir
(University of Iceland)
13:50 14:35 MFRI Gender and fisheries Anna Karlsdóttir
(University of Iceland)
14:40 15:25 MFRI Gender and fisheries Anna Karlsdóttir
(University of Iceland)
15:30 16:15 MFRI Discussions FTP staff M  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Sat 14-Dec /Weekend
Sun 15-Dec /Weekend


Week 5 (Dec 16-22): Agents of change

Below is a preliminary schedule for the fifth week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

Mon 16-Dec
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP goals SDG goals
09:00 09:45 MFRI Leadership and change Ársæll Árnason
(University of Iceland)
09:50 10:35 MFRI Leadership and change Ársæll Árnason
(University of Iceland)
10:40 11:25 MFRI Leadership and change Ársæll Árnason
(University of Iceland)
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment III Fellows M  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment III Fellows M  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Presentation: Individual assignment III Fellows M  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Tue 17-Dec
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP goals SDG goals
09:00 09:45 MFRI The SDG goals Zaw Myo Win (FTP) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI The SDG goals Zaw Myo Win (FTP) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Policy and change Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) S  
11:30 12:15 MFRI Policy and change Stefán Úlfarsson (FTP) S  
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson
(University of Iceland)
13:50 14:35 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson
(University of Iceland)
14:40 15:25 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson
(University of Iceland)
15:30 16:15 MFRI Data and statistics: Quantitative research & intro to R Gunnar Stefánsson
(University of Iceland)
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Wed 18-Dec
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP goals SDG goals
09:15 10:40 Meet at Fjörður at 09:15 Christmas Fieldtrip. Visit to Hafnarfjörður Cultural Museum. FTP staff X  
11:30 13:00 Hellisheiði Power Station Geothermal Exhibition Harvesting of Natural Resources FTP staff X  
13:30 14:30 Raufarhólshellir Lava Cave Geology of Iceland FTP staff X  
15:00 16:20 The Greenhouse in Hveragerði Food Hall for Christmas meal together FTP staff X  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Thu 19-Dec
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP goals SDG goals
09:00 09:45 MFRI

Achieving Sustainable Fisheries Management: The Importance of Industry Participation

Hrefna Karlsdóttir (Fisherieis Iceland) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Achieving Sustainable Fisheries Management: The Importance of Industry Participation Hrefna Karlsdóttir (Fisherieis Iceland) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI International law of the sea Arnór Snæbjörnsson (specialist) S  
11:30 12:15 MFRI International law of the sea Arnór Snæbjörnsson (specialist) S  
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Professional Communications/review of A3 Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Professional Communications/AI issues Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Professional Communications Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
15:30 16:15 MFRI Professional Communications Julie Ingham (FTP) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Fri 20-Dec
From Until Venue Topic Responsible FTP goals SDG goals
09:00 09:45 MFRI Professional goals Þór Ásgeirsson (FTP) S  
09:50 10:35 MFRI Professional goals Þór Ásgeirsson (FTP) S  
10:40 11:25 MFRI Discussions & reflections FTP staff M  
/// Break ///
13:00 13:45 MFRI Smiley Tutor: Web-assisted
statistics learning
Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
13:50 14:35 MFRI Smiley Tutor: Web-assisted
statistics learning
Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
14:40 15:25 MFRI Smiley Tutor: Web-assisted
statistics learning
Gunnar Stefánsson (University of Iceland) T  
O = Orientation (live together); S = Seminars (to know); T = Tutorials (to do); M = Master class (to be); X = Not defined
Sat 21-Dec /Weekend
Sun 22-Dec /Weekend

Week 6 (Dec 23-29): Christmas

Below is a preliminary schedule for the sixth week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

Mon 23-Dec /Self-study - assignments
Tue 24-Dec /Christmas
Wed 25-Dec /Christmas
Thu 26-Dec /Christmas
Fri 27-Dec /Hand in personal goals (by noon)
Sat 28-Dec /Weekend
Sun 29-Dec /Weekend

Week 7 (Dec 30 - Jan 5): New Year

Below is a preliminary schedule for the seventh week in Iceland. Please be aware that it may be necessary to adjust it with little notice. Changes will be announced on a day-by-day basis.

Mon 30-Dec /Self-study - assignments
Tue 31-Dec /Last day of year
Wed 01-Jan /New year
Thu 02-Jan /Prof. goals interviews (FPM & QM)
Fri 03-Jan /Prof. goals interviews (SAq & ARAM)
Sat 04-Jan /Weekend
Sun 05-Jan /FPM go to Akureyri
      Mon 06-Jan /Hand in policy assignment (by noon)      

After Intro

As fellows transit from intro to specialisation and research they will come into more contact with various FTP partners such as the heads of line, lecturers, and supervisors. Please refer to the box "Roles & responsibilities" above for clarification on their different roles and responsabilities. There you will also find information about what is expected of you as a fellow as you progress through the Six month training programme.

Transition to the specialisation module

On completion of the intro, fellows join one of four lines of specialisation. They now have the task of attending a full specialisation programme while, at the same time, developing research project ideas into a proposal. During this phase, heads of lines provide fellows with course outlines, time schedules and reading materials specific to their lines of specialisation. They also lead the process of assigning supervisor(s) to work with fellows on their research project. FTP-staff, on the other hand, monitor fellows’ progress and, also, provide some cross-specialisation-line support, such as presented in the “schedule of common activities” below.

The FTP offers training in four areas of specialisation:

  • Fisheries Policy and Management (University of Akureyri in the north of Iceland)
  • Aquatic Resource Assessment and Monitoring (Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Hafnarfjörður, near Reykjavík)
  • Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing (Matís, Food Science and Biotechnology Institute in Reykjavík)
  • Sustainable Aquaculture (Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Hafnarfjörður, near Reykjavík)

Transition to the research project module

The programme culminates in a 12-13 week research project in which fellows work closely with a supervisor to conduct research on a pressing issue related to their work at home. The project work combines the Fellow’s experience and practical skills gained in the introductory and specialist training, along with their personal goals on an individual research topic. Project design skills are applied to develop and present a research proposal, and then research is conducted individually through close collaboration with an expert supervisor. Final projects most often involve data directly from Fellows' home countries. On completion, a research paper is submitted and published on the GRÓ-FTP website. In addition, Fellows are required to design an information poster summarising their research and present their results in an open dissemination meeting.

Draft schedule of common activities

Note, some dates or other arrangements may need to be changed at later stage. In that case, FTP will inform relevant fellows /supervisors.

  • Jan 27 (Mon) – 28 (Tue) > All lines: Project design workshop.
    Fellows will receive instructions about the design of: 1) The proposal paper; and 2) the research report. Organised as a two day workshop at the MFRI.
  • Feb 14 (Fri) – 18 (Tue) > All lines: Proposal submission.
    Fellows to hand in the project proposal (send to: stefan@groftp.is). They should follow instructions provided during the Project design workshop held earlier (see above). Confirmed order: FPM & QM lines by 10:00 in the morning of Feb 14; ARAM & SAq lines by 10:00 in the morning of Feb 18.
  • Feb 17 (Mon) – 21 (Fri) > All lines: Proposal presentations.
    Open presentations held at the location of each line of specialisation (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion per fellow). Confirmed order: FPM (morning) Feb 17; QM (morning) Feb 18; ARAM (morning) Feb 20; SAq (morning) Feb 21. Exact timing and other logistics provided in "Proposals" window below.
  • Feb 18 (Tue) > All lines: Seminar with our guest lecturer Mr. Xavier Vincent, a senior fisheries specialist at the World bank. Topic: Fisheries projects through the eyes of the WB specialist. Venue: Marine and freshwater research institute, big meeting room, 1st floor. Time: 16:00 - 18:00.
  • Feb 24 (Mon) > All lines: Start of Research project module.
  • Mar 17 (Mon) - 21 (Fri) > All lines: First progress meetings.
    A private 20-30 min meetings for each fellow. Apart from the fellow, his /her supervisor(s), the head of line and FTP staff attend. Progress is assessed based on the approved proposal paper and the updated research report. At the first progress meetings special focus is on methodology, collection and quality of data, research design and overall structure of report. Also to be discussed is the working relationship between fellows and supervisors and any other issues that may arise. Exact timing and other logistics provided later. Note: Fellows are supposed to update their research report regularly and hand in a copy of it 5 working days before the progress meeting (send to: stefan@groftp.is).
  • Apr 7 (Mon) - 11 (Fri) > All lines: Second progress meetings.
    At the second progress meeting special focus is on preliminary results and their interpretations. Exact timing and other logistics provided later.
  • May 2 (Fri) > All lines: Workshop on poster design.
  • May 12 (Mon) > All lines: Posters to be submitted.
  • May 12 (Mon) - 16 (Fri) > All lines: Research project presentation.
    Open seminars held at the location of each line of specialisation (20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion per fellow). Exact timing and other logistics provided later.
  • May 19 (Mon) – 20 (Tue) > All lines: Submit papers, final date. Posters exhibition opens. Evaluations of programme in focus groups.
  • May 21 (Wed) > All lines: Graduation (afternoon); celebration (evening).
  • May 22 (Thu) – 23 > All lines: Return.



Proposal submission and presentations coming up.

See schedule for each line below.

The presentations are held at the location of each line of specialisation (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion per fellow).

All fellows on the same line of specialisation are supposed to participate throughout the session.

An on-line link for fellows of other lines will be provided here later.






1st progress meetings

Next week we have the first progress meetings …

Below you find the preliminary schedule. Note that there might still be some changes.

Check for updates on this site regularly. 


  • Submit draft paper: Thu - March 13 (by noon)
  • Progress meetings: Mon - March 17 (from 08:30)


  • Submit draft paper: Thu - March 13 (by noon)
  • Progress meetings: Tue - March 18 (from 13:30)


  • Submit draft paper: Tue - March 18 (by noon)
  • Progress meetings: Thu - March 20 (from 09:30)


  • Submit draft paper: Tue - March 18 (by noon)
  • Progress meetings: Fri - March 21 (from 09:30)

Points to keep in mind:

  • These are private meetings for each fellow.
  • They are held at the location of the relevant specialisation line. Each should take 20-30 minutes. Participating in them are: The fellow, his /her supervisor(s), the head of line and 1-2 FTP staff.
  • Fellow’s progress is assessed based on the approved proposal paper and the newest updated research report. Note: Fellows are supposed to update their research report regularly and hand in a copy of it 2-3 working days before the progress meeting (send to: stefan@groftp.is ).
  • At this first progress meetings special focus is on methodology, collection and quality of data, research design and overall structure of report.
  • Also to be discussed is the working relationship between fellows and supervisors and any other issues that may arise.
