Title: The Application of a Bioeconomic Model to Analyse the Jamaican Industrial Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fishery

University thesis
Year of publication:
University of Iceland
Place of publication:
Number of pages:
Document URL: Link


The Jamaican industrial spiny lobster fishery is one of Jamaica’s most valuable fisheries, second only to queen conch. Irrespective of this, the fishery has had zero fishery-independent surveys of its stock to ascertain a biomass estimate, resulting in the spiny lobster fishery not having an established Total Allowable Catch (TAC). This project aims to determine if Jamaica’s industrial spiny lobster fishery landings are sustainable by calculating a maximum sustainable yield (MSY), maximum economic yield (MEY), and finally, determine the ideal measure of effort to be utilised in its management. A bio-economic model was developed using an estimate of biomass from a fishery-independent survey. This biomass estimate was employed to calibrate the Schaeffer production model, which yielded growth parameters that were applicable within six (6) years of landing data (2015 to 2021) to determine the spiny lobster fishery reference points. The number of trap days was the best measure of effort for managing the spiny lobster fishery, of which the fishery reference points are MSY of 323 mt, a MEY of 314 mt at a maximum of 1400 traps and thirteen (13) days per trip. However, Jamaica’s annual spiny lobster fishery landings average 301 mt over the last six (6) years. Though the fishery does not appear to be overfished, illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a significant and unaccounted for issue. Therefore, it is advised that Jamaica’s fisheries regulatory body implement a TAC set at 314 mt through an individual quota (IQ) system to safeguard the long-term sustainability and profitability of the fishery.

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