Title: Syllabus in fishing technology for Makerere University students
The project’s objective is to develop a syllabus in fishing technology for Makerere University students. Objectives, topics, practical and theoretical teaching methods and techniques have been outlined. Changes in management objectives of the fisheries sector and the rapid development of the aquaculture industry in Uganda in recent decades have warranted development of the syllabus. It therefore has relevance in the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture programme of Makerere University given the future destinations of our graduated students. Focus has been placed on development of a broad range of relevant topics that cover fishing technology aspects that are relevant to Uganda’s fisheries and aquaculture industries. Emphasis has been placed on improvement of the quality of practical knowledge and skills. The content of this syllabus deals with the fundamentals of fishing gear and techniques, design and construction of fishing gear, gear selectivity, fish behaviour, environmental impacts of fishing gears, fishing methods and fish quality, acoustics, naval architecture and fishing gear research and development. Main topics are further subdivided into sub-topics and subjects. The project also includes classroom lecture notes, students’ assessments, lesson planning, schemes and records of work.