Title: Rent capture in the Namibian fisheries: The case of Hake

Final project
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Rents; Rent-capture; Quota fee; Rights-based; Net-returns; Hake fishery; Management; Namibia.


This paper examines the subject of rent capture in the Namibian fisheries and the impact of this incidence on industry returns. The evidence considered for this enquiry is the Annual Income and Expenditure Survey (AIES) for 2002. The fishery chosen for the study is the demersal hake fishery. Various methods of rent capture in rights-based fisheries are considered and the ad valorem royalty charge used in the Namibian fisheries is discussed in detail. An estimate of the resource rent is obtained after account of fishing costs and revenues is taken. It is found that industry net returns turn negative after rent capture by quota fees, but improvements in the catching accounts data is nevertheless necessary in order to arrive at a better estimate of the resource rent in the fishery.

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