Title: Impact of current legislative framework on inland small-scale fisheries in South Africa: a case study of Limpopo, Free State and Northern Cape provinces.

Final project
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Inland fisheries, fishing rights, small scale fishers, national legislation, environmental management legislation, South Africa.


Unlike in many other African countries, inland fisheries in South Africa are poorly developed. The provincial legal framework regulating inland fisheries is based on biodiversity control principles. It recognises recreational angling but does not recognise the fishing rights for small-scale fishers who fish for livelihood purposes. This study reviewed the national legislation with assessing its impact on inland fisheries and analysed the provincial environmental management legislation in Limpopo, Free State and Northern Cape Provinces. Mini surveys were conducted in Nandoni Dam, Lake Gariep and Vanderkloof Dam to determine the perception of small-scale fishers on the current laws. The legislative analysis shows that the provincial laws in the three provinces focused on regulation of recreational angling activities and there is general lack of compliance from small-scale fishers. The perception from the small-scale fishers is that the current laws regulating the sector are unfair and therefore legislative reform is needed.

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