Title: Feasibility study on a proposed solar tent dryer to improve economic status of marine dagaa (Family Engraulidae) processors along Tanzania coastline.

Final project
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Feasibility study, solar tent dryer, family Engraulidae, marine dagaa, dagaa processors, Tanzania.


Marine small pelagic fish species, known locally as dagaa and belonging to the family Engraulidae, are important fisheries resources in Tanzania. The fish support the livelihood of coastal communities, who process them by boiling and drying under open sunlight. However, drying of marine dagaa experience losses during rainy season. The objective of this study was to conduct an economic feasibility study on a proposed solar tent dryer. To meet this objective, qualitative and indicative quantitative data on dagaa losses were collected using IFLAM and later validated using QLAM. A total of eight (8) solar tent dryers were proposed to be constructed in pilot districts. To determine the economic feasibility of a proposed dryer, a cost benefit analysis was carried out. The study found that approximately 1 million USD is lost annually during processing, while the government loses an additional 33,000 USD in fish levies at local or national markets and 123,000 USD at regional markets. The estimated cost for constructing eight dryers was found to be 19,800 USD with annual maintenance cost of 8,300 USD. The study found an overall annual financial net benefit of 21,000 USD and a net present value (NPV) of 74,528 USD for using solar tent dryers, with a payback period of nine months. These findings indicate that solar tent dryers are economically feasible, offering higher returns, a quick cash inflow for dagaa processors, and increased revenue for the government.

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