Title: Assessing performance of decentralized fisheries management in artisanal marine waters of Tanzania: A case study of Tanga, Coast, Dar es Salaam, and Lindi regions.

Final project
Year of publication:
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Number of pages:
Supervisors: Jón Geir Pétursson
decentralized fisheries management; Tanzania; beach management unit (BMU);


This study addresses the effectiveness of decentralized fisheries management through assessing the performance of Beach Management Units (BMUs), the governance system envisaged in Tanzania to promote co management of fisheries. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from 12 BMUs within six districts along coastal marine waters of Tanzania. Descriptive and inferential analysis were performed by using excel. The study indicated that BMUs are aware on the existing Fisheries Act, Policy and Regulations. It was revealed that actions taken by BMUs in managing the fisheries resources among others include confiscating illegal fishing gears, conducting patrols and controlling migrant fishers. Consequently, fisheries data collection was observed to be effective. However, bylaws formation on fisheries management measures and fisheries revenue collection were found not to be effective. The study revealed that the major constraints encountered by BMUs were lack of tools to conduct sea patrols and lack of budget from the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to support BMUs fisheries conservation activities. The result suggests the need for the Central Government and LGAs to bring together the strengths of both actors in supporting the BMUs to ensure their effective performance. We find therefore the current performance of the BMU model fall short in its efforts, as the central government is much absent from their operation. That is not co management, recalling its definition in the literature. Therefore, a co-management effort as ascribed in the fisheries policies will not be realised unless both central and local levels of government bring together their capacities to collaborate in the effort to promote sustainable fisheries management on the Tanzanian coast.

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