Haraldur Einarsson

Short Bio
Haraldur holds a BSc in Biology from the University of Iceland (1992), and Cand. Sci in Fishery Biology from the University of Bergen, Norway (2001).
He has worked at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) since 1992 and also as a consultant for the fishing technology and operations team (NFIFO) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) since 2019.
Haraldur’s main focus in work are gear selectivity and functionality of commercial fishing gears.
He has had the role of government adviser on fisheries management, mainly regulating fishing gear and regional management.
Haraldur is a member and a former chair of ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (ICES-FAO WGFTFB) and has also cochaired the Working Group on Size and Species Selection Experiments (ICES-WGSSSE).
- M.Sc., Fishery Biology, University of Bergen, 2001
- B.Sc., Biology, University of Iceland, 1992