A 6-day course for quality management in fish drying and smoking sector, targeted towards fish processors, fisheries officers and ministry officials from the Tanzanian Ministry of Livestocks and Fisheries Development, in collaboration with Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA), Tanzania, and Matis - Food Research and Innovation Institute.
The objective of the course is to introduce a new method of smoking and drying of fish which preserves quality better compared to traditional methods This will be done by the use of a dual purpose unit which can be used both as a drying chamber and a smoke hut. The advantage of the design of the unit is that during the rainy season it's easy to change from drying to a smoking and through better control of the smoke it will use much less firewood then the traditional methods.
The course was developed by experts from Matís, an Icelandic Food Research institute, Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA) and the Tanzanian Ministry of Livestocks and Fisheries Development with financial support from the United Nations University-Fisheries Training Programme.
The course length was 6 days from Monday to Saturday. The total number of participants was twenty five, 15 men and 10 women and they came from Coast region (Bagamoyo, Mafia, Mkuranga, Rufiji), Dar es Salaam (Itala, Tekeke, Kinondoni), Lindi (Kilwa, Lindi Urban, Lindi Urban), Mtwara (Mtwara Rural, Mtwara Urban), Tanga (Pangani, Muheza, Tanga city), DSM-HQ (DSM), FETA-Mgegani campus (Bagamoyo), National FQ Laboratory (Mwanza).

Margeir Gissurarson

Arnold Eleuter Mbunda

Elizete Da Piedade Mucuada António Cunguara

Ofred Jonas Mhongole