The fish inspector’s basic and advanced courses were held back to back at the Mombasa beach hotel in 2008. The participants in the basic course were trainee fish inspectors from the Ministry of Fisheries Development and participants in the advanced course were from the Ministry’s trainee fish inspectors and authorised inspectors, Moi University Department of Fisheries lecturers and fish processing industry’s quality assurance managers.
The course was mainly class work with two days of factory and beach visits and a day for practical group work assignment based on the field visit. All lecture sessions were done through power point presentations. Each session had a chairperson who moderated the lectures and at the end of each session time was allowed for clarifications and discussion on any topical issue resulting from the lecture.
The courses were administered by instructors from the Ministry, an FAO consultant and food safety experts from the company Matís - Food Research, Innovation & Safety in Iceland.

Margeir Gissurarson