The training of the fisheries officers in Tanzania is part of the larger NCF funded project on the introduction of a new smoking kiln in fishing villages along the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. The Project is implemented by MATIS and funded through the climate fund of the Nordic Counsel and technical and financial support from the UNU-FTP.
The contribution of the UNU-FTP is in the form of training through short courses and workshop in addition to that one Fisheries Officer went through the 6 months training in Iceland, and focused on the use and application of the new smoking kiln. Initially the UNU-FTP was going to fund a development of a short course that would be delivered twice. After the experience of the first short course and the outcome of the mid-term evaluation by Dr. Pétur Waldorf, where it was clear that despite previous efforts (short courses and other motivations) the kilns were not being used, the organizers of the project agreed on a shifted strategy. It was decided to change the “traditional” short course that had been delivered earlier, and develop a workshop for FO and conduct training in the villages – closer to the home of the fish processors. The mid-term evaluation revealed that were the kilns were used and the product was marketed, the outcome was very positive. The product was well received at the market and was fetching higher prices in comparison to the traditionally smoked products.
Using the outcome of the previous course and of the PW study, a 4 day workshop for Tanzanian fisheries officers was developed with the aim of training the FO to conduct one day workshop and training activities in the villages and at the landing sites where the fish processing takes place. The involvement of the UNU-FPT was increase with in-kind contribution in addition to the funds originally put into the project. Mary Frances and Thor Asgeirsson met with Dr. Pétur Waldorff on a few occasion to better understand the outcome of the mid-term evaluation, and then meet several time with Mr. Margeir Gissurarson, the project manager from Matís, to further develop the new approach in the training.
It was also decided to invite Ms. Eunice (fellow 2016) from Ghana to take part in the workshop in Tanzania, since she has good experience in using the kiln and has done analysis on the wholesomeness of the products from the kiln. Eunice communicated with the team through the internet during the preparation period and met with the team in Dar Es Salaam on April 20th.
The main objectives
With the shift in the plan for the two short courses provided by the UNU-FTP, the main goals of the second course was to conduct a workshop for fisheries officers around Lake Tanganyika who have, as part of their mandate, the role to assist fishers and fish processors in the fishing communities. The workshop was in two parts:
- A 2-day workshop where the FOs were trained in the use of the kiln, its structure, and in conducting the training themselves to the users in the villages using cue cards and posters.
- An on-site training session, conducted by FOs, for fish processors at selected landing sites. The training session would be supervised by MATIS and UNU-FTP staff.
The workshop’s objectives were:
- To train the FO in preparing fish for smoking, using brine.
- To train the FO in the theory behind drying and smoking, and the effect of salt in smoking.
- To educate FO in the costs and the benefits of using the kiln (market price, climate impacts, nutrition and health)
- To train FO in delivering a short training session to fish processors on the use of the kiln and the preparation of the fish for smoking to fish processors.

Margeir Gissurarson

Ritha John Mlingi