Workshop in Kigoma, Tanzania
The Fisheries Training Programme conducted a five-day workshop in Kigoma, Tanzania from 18 – 22 November 2019 in collaboration with Matís, TAFIRI and the Tanzanian regional government authorities.
The sixteen participants were acting fisheries officers (FOs) and fisheries researchers (FRs) from the regions along Lake Tanganyika joined by representatives from the national government.
The purpose of the workshop was to offer training in improved handling of fish on board and after being landed, and to strengthen the FOs and FRs in assessing the quality along the value chain of fish in the lakeside regions of Kigoma, Katavi and Rukwa.
In preparation for the workshop, Ritha Mlingi a former FTP fellow conducted a pre-trial and developed preliminary sensory schemes, QIM schemes, for Dagaa and Mgebuka, the main catch from the Tanzanian side of Lake Tanganyika.
The sensory evaluation workshop was developed by Matís, taught by Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir and Margeir Gissurarson and overseen by FTP representative Julie Ingham.
Ritha Mlingi and Huruma Mgana, also a former FTP fellow and acting director of TAFIRI, contributed to the teaching modules, landing site visits and laboratory testing during the workshop.
The outcome of the workshop were new and improved QIM schemes for sensory evaluation of these common species.
The results will now be tested further and improved by the FO and FR workshop attendees and new QIM evaluation schemes will emerge which will prove invaluable to quality fish inspection in the regions.