Welcome UNU-FTP fellows 2015

12 October 2015
Welcome UNU-FTP fellows 2015

This fall, the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme welcomed its 18th cohort to Iceland for the six month training programme.

This distinguished group of 20 fisheries professionals hail from fourteen countries, including Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Cuba, Uganda, Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya, Cape Verde, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Dominica, Namibia, and Tanzania. Over the next six months, they will specialize in one of four areas of fisheries science and management, including quality management, stock assessment, policy and planning, and company management.

The six month training is divided into three parts; the introductory, specialization, and final project. In the introduction, fellows are exposed to a holistic view of fisheries and gain insights into various disciplines within fisheries and their connectedness. Through a series of lectures, site visits and assignments, fellows cultivate a better understanding of fisheries in their home countries. 

During the specialist training, fellows focus on one specific area of fisheries and hone their expertise through lectures, assignments, and site visits. Fellows also use this time to develop ideas for a final project in collaboration with their supervisors. -
In the final part of the 6-month training, fellows work closely with a supervisor to conduct research on a pressing issue related to their work at home. Combining the experience and practical skills developed in the introductory and specialist training and their personal goals, fellows design and present a research proposal. Research is then conducted individually through close collaboration with a supervisor.
We look forward to watching these fellows grow over the coming months and years. Welcome to Iceland!