Welcome Kai Lorenzen, UNU-FTP guest lecturer for 2012

14 January 2012
Welcome Kai Lorenzen, UNU-FTP guest lecturer for 2012
The UNU-FTP is pleased to welcome Kai Lorenzen to Iceland as this year´s guest lecturer. Dr. Lorenzen is visiting us from the University of Florida where he is a Professor of Integrative Fisheries Science. Kai Lorenzen is interested in addressing complex fisheries management problems through integrative-interdisciplinary science. His research integrates quantitative ecology with human dimensions and engages closely with management initiatives. A particular focus is on assessing and improving the use of hatchery and habitat enhancement and restoration measures in fisheries management. He also conducts basic research in fish population biology. Other interests include the conservation of aquatic resources in agricultural landscapes, design of aquaculture systems, domestication effects and interactions between cultured and wild fish, and the epidemiology of fish diseases. For more information, visit the Lorenzen Lab website.

Dr. Lorenzen will present a series of five lectures to the fellows of the UNU-FTP and assist them in their project work. Below is a brief description and the time schedule of the lectures. The venue is the Institute for Continuing Education (Endurmenntunastofnun) of University of Iceland. Interested people are welcome to attend.

Lecture 1 - Monday 16 January, 9:30 to 10:30:
Enhancements in fisheries systems
Definition of fisheries enhancements; examples; why we need to understand enhancement fisheries systems; components of enhancement fisheries systems; objectives of management and indicators of success; framework for analysis; typology of enhancement systems: restocking, stock enhancement, etc.

Lecture 2 - Monday 16 January 10:45-11:45
Population dynamics and quantitative assessment of aquaculture-based enhancements
Fish life histories and population dynamics; a basic stock enhancement model; dynamics of stock enhancement and ranching; quantitative assessment; practical modeling and assessment using the EnhanceFish tool

Lecture 3 - Tuesday 17 February 9:15 - 10:15
Aquaculture production for fisheries enhancement
Aquaculture; domestication and feralisation; managing domestication effects; genetic management; promoting seed quality: environmental enrichment, life skills training, etc.; release strategies

Lecture 4 - Tuesday 17 February 10:30 - 11:30
Habitat enhancements and fish aggregation devices
Typology of habitat enhancements; attraction vs. production issues; managing fisheries involving habitat enhancements or fish aggregation devices.

Lectcure 5 - Friday 20 February 9:15 - 10:15
Developing or reforming fisheries enhancements
The 'updated responsible approach', analyzing the role of enhancement within the fishery system; engaging stakeholders; participatory planning; assessing and managing ecological impacts; adaptive management.