UNU-FTP welcomes experts from Namibia

10 April 2013
UNU-FTP welcomes experts from Namibia

This week, the UNU-FTP is hosting two experts fro the Natural Marine Research and Information Center in Namibia in Iceland. While here, this delegation will explore potential opportunities for collaboration with the UNU-FTP in the area of stock assessment.

Beau M. Tjizoo, Chief Fisheries Biologist, and Johannes N. Kathena, Fisheries Biologist at the the Natural Marine Research and Information Center in Namibia are pictured here with Tumi Tomasson, Director of the UNU-FTP and Johann Sigurjonsson, Director of the Marine Research Institute in Iceland.

While in Iceland Mr. Tjizoo and Mr. Kathena will meet with stock assessment experts at the Marine Research Institute and visit Fiskistofa (the Icelandic Directorate of Fisheries), as well as other site visits to get a comprehensive view of the Icelandic fisheries management system.