UNU-FTP welcomes Dr. Eva Plaganyi to Iceland

31 January 2013
UNU-FTP welcomes Dr. Eva Plaganyi to Iceland

This week, the UNU-FTP welcomes Dr. Eva Plaganyi for a brief visit to Iceland. Dr. Plaganyi gave two very interesting lectures to the UNU-FTP fellows and staff of the Marine Research Institute about state-of-the-art ecosystem modeling and her work in Australia.

Dr Éva Plagányi is a senior research scientist based at the Brisbane laboratories of CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. She maintains an international reputation in stock assessment modelling, ecosystem modelling and management strategy evaluation (MSE). Prior to relocating to Australia in 2009, she was a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and is an Honorary Research Associate. Following her PhD, she authored a FAO technical report on ecosystem approaches to fisheries management and has published 43 papers, over two hundred technical reports, and 50 popular articles. She currently leads research to develop Models of Intermediate Complexity for Ecosystem assessments (MICE) as well as the research portfolio on the Torres Strait tropical rock lobster, including integrating biological, social, cultural and economic factors in an integrated MSE. She was an invited member of the Lenfest forage fish Task Force, has collaborated in research for a number of international organisations and has served as a member of a number of scientific working groups